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Western lowland gorilla

Downing Gorilla Forest·Mammal

The lowland gorilla is a very social creature, living in family groups called troops. Troops consist of a dominant male who decides when the troop will eat and sleep, several adult females, and their young. Males can also live in bachelor groups that consist of only males. The lowland gorilla is a quiet, peaceful, non-aggressive animal that will only attack when provoked. An adult male will protect his group with an elaborate display of chest slapping, head rearing, and charging.

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  • Western lowland gorilla
  • Conservation StatusCritically Endangered
  • Life span30-50 years
  • Body size150-450 lbs.
    up to 6 ft.
  • Native habitat Tropical forests of west central Africa
  • DietFruit, leaves, vegetables
Reticulated giraffe Caracal lynx




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