On Demand Cub Scout Badge Workshops
- On Demand
Sedgwick County ZooDirections
Tickets$11 per Scout
Schedule your den for an On Demand Cub Scout Badge Workshop!
Dens can schedule a 90-minute workshop with a specific badge in mind.
We will provide the materials and learning. Workshop tickets are $11 per Scout. A minimum of ten Scout tickets is required to schedule your workshop.
Please note that these programs require each participant to have a ticket. No tagalongs or siblings will be admitted to workshops. At least one adult will be required to stay with the group during the program. There is no fee for the first adult. Additional adults will need to purchase a ticket at $11. Late-comers will not be admitted into the program.
Workshops can be scheduled on any day and at any time for flexibility to allow us to meet the scheduling needs of your group. Email ZooEducation@scz.org for availability and to schedule. A minimum notice of at least two weeks is required to schedule an on demand Cub Scout Badge Workshop.
Tiger Scout Program : Tigers in the Wild
Wolf Scout Program : Paws on the Path
Bear Scout Program : Bear Habitat
Webelo Scout Program : Webelos Walkabout
Elective Adventures are available by request. Students in structured learning or with special needs are welcome in all programs.
Groups that schedule workshops during Zoo hours may receive reduced admission when scheduling Admission with your workshop.
Boy Scout Merit Badges
We can assist with a variety of animal and environmentally-based merit badges. Contact the Education Department at ZooEducation@scz.org with specific questions.
Terms and Conditions: Each person over the age of six months who attends any education program must have a ticket. Space is limited. Tickets will be scanned at the door. All classes take place rain or shine. Your purchase serves as your permission for use of your image by Sedgwick County Zoo. All reservations are final. Ticket may not be copied or resold and may be used only once. Tickets will not be replaced if lost, stolen or unused. No refunds.