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Party for the Planet

Special Event

  • Apr 17Thursday,9 AM–2 PM
  • Sedgwick County Zoo

Celebrate Earth Day with a Party for the Planet! This environmental fair gives everyone the opportunity to learn how to protect and care for the world we live in.

With hands-on activities and interactive exhibits, there are many learning opportunities for children. Activities are geared toward kids in 3rd – 5th grade.

Admission is free for registered class groups.



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Earth Day Party for the Planet Sedgwick County Zoo

Earth Day Party for the Planet Sedgwick County Zoo

Zoo Calendar

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Zoo News

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What to Know

We’re excited to see you at the Zoo today! Here are some things to remember during your visit.

Animals Sightings

As always, some animals may not be visible due to weather or other factors. After 4:00 PM, you may see fewer animals during your visit.

Zoo Rules

Please read and follow all Zoo Rules and Policies to respect our guests and animals.